
Reptilian Transference: Tips for Transporting Herps Safely

By Phil Wolf If you’re reading this magazine, we’re to assume you own, or plan to own, reptiles or amphibians. That being said, there may be a time when one must transport their pet, and...

Keeping the Infamous, Inland Taipan

By Tie Eipper The Inland Taipan is a species of snake that must only be kept by experienced elapid keepers. The toxicity of the venom combined with the fact that they can be unpredictable make...

The Emerald-Horned Pit Viper!

By Derek Dykstra One of the most difficult questions we can be asked as reptile enthusiasts, in my opinion, is “What is your favorite species?” or more specifically to me, “What is your favorite snake?”...

The Hookmaker’s Art

By Phil Wolf “There’s no such thing as a universal hook, but what we try to do is make the tapered end beveled and narrow enough to where you can use it for almost anything”...

Book Review: Venomous” Bites from Non-Venomous Snakes: A Critical Analysis of Risk and Management of “Colubrid” Snake Bites

Authors:Scott A Weinstein, Daniel E Keyler, Julian White, and D. A. Warrell. Review by Justin Smith Rear-fanged snakes have always been in the background of the hobby. Never really reaching the amount of popularity as...

Snake In Service: Ethics & Husbandry for Optimal Venom Production

Insights revealed by Kentucky Reptile Zoo's founder Jim Harrison & director Kristen Wiley! By Harmony Tenney One Man, A Dream, and an Intern You may have seen Jim Harrison and Kristen Wiley on National Geographic’s Snake...

Industry Spotlight: Chris Woodcock of GetHooked

Family man, firefighter, and master hookmaker Chris Woodcock shares with us his herpetocultural career that led to educating first responders about venomous snakebites, and making the finest of snake handling equipment! HM: So Chris, what...

Acclimation and Husbandry of Malaysian Mangrove Snakes

By Jonathan Rheins Mangrove snakes, Boiga dendrophila ssp., are strikingly beautiful and notoriously defensive colubrids locally common throughout Southeast Asia, Indonesia, and adjacent island chains. Their gorgeous color scheme and impressive attitude have captivated even...

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