
Reptile Vision Explained!

By Paul Donovan There has been much written regarding the extent to which reptiles rely on vision as a primary sense of their surroundings, with many people believing them to be blind or having poor...

How Herps Navigate

By Paul Donovan There are some questions you get asked which, on face value, you give an answer to but upon reflection later, make you wonder if you gave the correct answer. Take this one....

Herps of Wyoming

By Isabella Carroll When you hear the name Wyoming you normally wouldn't think it would be a place full of all sorts of reptiles and amphibians. Wyoming is a huge landlocked state in North America...

Industry Spotlight: Adeline Robinson

HM: For people who are out of the loop, who are you and what do you do? AR: Hello! My name is Adeline Robinson and I am a wildlife artist & graphic designer with a...

Herp Book Review: The Dragon Traders: A Collective History of the Reptile Trade in America and the Age of Herpetoculture By Michael Burger

Let me start by saying that when I first heard about this book I was VERY excited to get a copy. With so many books being published on captive care or natural history, it...

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