
The Shinglebacks

By Tie Eipper Bobtail, Sleepy Lizard, Pine Cone Lizard, Double-headed lizard, Stumpy Lizard, Stumpy and Boggi. These fascinating lizards go by many names. Prized overseas and loved in their native country Australia, they are unquestionably...

The Collared Tree Runner: The Jewel of the Amazon, Plica plica in the Home Terrarium

By Jeremy Carroll If you take a walk in the rainforest of the Amazon for any given period of time while surveying the trees around you, you may find a jewel of the forest...

The Strophurus Geckos

by Meeker Reptiles Description Members of the genus Strophurus are endemic to Australia and found throughout the continent with exception of mesic areas along the eastern coast and Tasmania.  With 20 recognized species, this is the...

Top 5 Reason YOU Should Be a USARK Member!

By Justin Smith "The United States Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) is a science, education and conservation-based advocacy for the responsible private ownership of, and trade in reptiles and amphibians. We endorse caging standards, sound...

Nile Monitors

By Paul Donovan They say big is beautiful. And you can’t get much bigger than the Nile monitor, Varanus niloticus. Distributed throughout much of sub-Saharan Africa, this is the largest lizard found on the African...

Suburban Giants: Nighttime Herping in Bangkok

Stepping out onto the city streets of Bangkok is an assault on the senses. It’s the smell that hits you first- Spicy food cooking down the street, diesel fumes, and incense burning somewhere. Two...

Red-Eyed Crocodile Skinks: Keeping a Mini Dragon!

Red-eyed crocodile skinks (Scientific name: Tribolonotus gracilis) are an extremely shy reptile, but despite preferring a quiet life these skinks can be an absolute joy to keep in captivity. Known for the red/orange circle...

Building Trust: Achieving a Tolerant Heloderma

So you’ve made the plunge into keeping a venomous lizard? Congratulations! Now comes the painstaking months of tolerance training! For those who are unaware, the family of Helodermatidae, is a family of large, terrestrial lizards...

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