
Book Review: Reptile Odyssey: Adventures of a Herpetologically-Oriented Life by Bill Love

Review by Carley Jones I could spend forever reading and reviewing books pumped out by ECO Herpetological Distribution and Publishing. They are, for the most part, light, happy and a great way to start the...

The Hunt for the Walser’s Viper & Herping in Italy

Article and photos by Kai Kolodziej During ten days in April 2017, I decided to visit north-western Italy with my girlfriend and some other herp-loving friends. Together we wanted to see as many reptiles and...

Suburban Giants: Nighttime Herping in Bangkok

Stepping out onto the city streets of Bangkok is an assault on the senses. It’s the smell that hits you first- Spicy food cooking down the street, diesel fumes, and incense burning somewhere. Two...

Herping Uganda with Daniel Wakefield

I’ve dreamed of Africa ever since I was a small child.  The landscapes, the charismatic wildlife, and especially the reptiles loomed large in my imagination.  The land of killer crocodiles, incredible venomous snakes, and...

Herping Israel: Part 2 with Nipper Read

(Read part 1 here.) Waking up, we had a quick breakfast and packed our things. Jurgen travels light and his small bag contained only seven cartons of Marlboros and three pairs of pants ( I...

Herping Israel: Part 1 by Nipper Read

Some time ago, I was recovering from a serious operation (don’t be sad, I’m like Wolverine, indestructible) I was a bit “morphine-ed” up and under the strict instruction from the Surgeon to have a...

Herping Greece with Nipper Read

Field herping, looks great eh? All those amazing pictures on insta, the tales of adventure and mishap on podcasts, drunken chats after reptile shows, who wouldn't wanna get into field herping? what could be...

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