
Herping Israel: Part 2 with Nipper Read

(Read part 1 here.) Waking up, we had a quick breakfast and packed our things. Jurgen travels light and his small bag contained only seven cartons of Marlboros and three pairs of pants ( I...

Chilabothrus inornatus: An overview of The Puerto Rican Boa

Intro Chilabothrus inornatus; the Puerto Rican Boa (PRB) is an endemic boa that inhabits the island of Puerto Rico. This snake, known as Culebrón by Puerto Rican natives, is considered threatened in its native habitat....

Herping Israel: Part 1 by Nipper Read

Some time ago, I was recovering from a serious operation (don’t be sad, I’m like Wolverine, indestructible) I was a bit “morphine-ed” up and under the strict instruction from the Surgeon to have a...

Goniurosaurus hainanensis Care By Rob Hoke

Introduction With over ten different species of Goniurosaurus now recognized and the popularity of the genus in the hobby becoming much more prevalent, I was thrilled to accept the offer to write on one of...

Tamaulipas Boas with Brian Burrell

Mexico is home to a very diverse range of Boa imperator. Their size and appearance change drastically depending on the region but One locality in particular, hails from the northeastern state of Mexico called,...

Herp Book Review: Green Tree Pythons: Natural History & Captive Maintenance By Terry Phillip & Justin Julander

It seems there are species in the hobby that don’t get paid much attention to in both the private sector and the scientific community. But every so often we see a book that completely...

Morelia Spotlight: Julatten Jungle Carpet Pythons by Eric Burke

Admittedly, I am a carpet python addict. And when an opportunity comes along to have a locality carpet python, you jump on it. I acquired a pair of Julatten locality carpets from Europe in...

5 Life Lessons From Dart Frogs by Justin Smith

I’ve never been big into amphibians. Having always been a snake guy at my core I never had much interest in many other herps aside from a handful of random lizards. Dart frogs, however,...

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