
The South Mountains Red Ratsnakes: A Journey Into Herpetoculture

By Chris Montross of Darkhorse Herpetoculture It all started in 1999 when Michael Coone finished college and decided that he was determined to find some of the local population of Red Rats in the foothills...

Vulnerable Beauties: The Jamaican Boa

By Nipper Read The Jamaican boa is an iconic symbol of the vibrant island of Jamaica in the Caribbean, but also a sad reminder of the destruction humans can do to a species as well...

Industry Spotlight: Myke Clarkson of Herpetological Conservation International

HM: To start, can you tell us who you are, what you do, and a brief background of your time with herps? MC: Like many, my fascination with herps started at a very young age....

Understanding Parthenogenesis

By Paul Donovan Over the past few issues, I have covered reproduction in scorpions, spiders and insects. This month I want to look at a rather unusual mode of reproduction; so-called ‘virgin births’. This is...

Top 5 Reason YOU Should Be a USARK Member!

By Justin Smith "The United States Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) is a science, education and conservation-based advocacy for the responsible private ownership of, and trade in reptiles and amphibians. We endorse caging standards, sound...

Industry Spotlight: Brent Schulze of Venom Life Gear

How did the Venom Life brand come about? Chris (Woodcock) and I started together with Get Hooked snake hooks in 2014, we started vending expos and conferences in 2015, and grew it from one hook...

When the Desert Meets the Swamp – Herping Arizona

By Phil Wolf My name is Phil Wolf, and I’m a herper. I don’t have an elaborate Instagram account, jam packed full of jaw-dropping herp stories, where I post new and crazy pictures from an...

So You Want to Keep a Dinosaur?: A Guide to Keeping Snapping Turtles

By Bill Bradley Snapping Turtles are the largest turtles in the United States and some of the heaviest freshwater turtles in the world. They are ancient-looking ambush predators with powerful jaws and claws. They are...

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